A few days later we took a tour of the waterfront area by riding on the "SEAL". It was a bus for about a third of the trip, then drove into the waters of the San Diego Bay for a tour of the harbor area with a waterseye view. We saw a lot of seabirds and sea lions sunning themselves on the anchovie baitboxes floating just offshore.
A different day found us atop one of the San Diego sightseeing double-decker buses that are commonly seen in London. While it was a bit windy up on top, we enjoyed the unimpeded views of the city as well as the history lesson provided by the tour guides. Our adventure began and ended in the Old Town area of San Diego - a state historical park. We wound up through the hills into residential areas, through Balboa Park, then down to the waterfront area and the downtown business district. It was a great tour.
We leave on Sunday with our kids and their spouses for our cruise down the Mexican Riviera so we will be out of touch for awhile, although we might have sporadic internet access. We are so excited to have the kids experience cruising. We hope they like it as much as we do.
On April 1st, we expect to be heading back up the highway towards home in the RV. It will probably take us a week or more, as we adhere to the motto of "two hundred miles a day on the road in an RV is good". Hope to see you all soon.