Wednesday, January 21, 2009

College of the Desert

In previous trips to this area, we have been told that we missed something by not attending the College of the Desert. As it turns out, we weren't supposed to attend for the academics, but for the weekly street fair that takes place on the college campus each weekend. It is best described as a market venue that stretches for three to four square blocks. Tim was amazed to find that he could (if he wanted to) buy a brand-new tuxedo for next to nothing, purchase virtually every golf gadget known to mankind, rent vacation hideaways, or enjoy a different type of hot dog every day for a month and never have the same one twice.

We travelled about an hour to Palm Springs to attend the fair with Joyce and Jim and friend, Judy Dougherty. Mike opted to stay at the park and take care of the animals. His decision may also have had something to do with the fact that the NFL playoffs were on television.

The girls enjoyed doing all of the looking and very little buying although we did come home with a few things. We also found the tile holders we have been looking for to go with our Mexican Train domino set.

We have still been playing golf and volleyball and the weather has been great. However, we did hear the first sounds of raindrops on our roof just before bedtime. It sprinkled on and off throughout this a.m., but nothing serious. Our forecast shows several days of showers over the next few days so we may get several inside projects completed.

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