What a fun way to end our three month excursion. The cruise with our children and spouses

went extremely well and everyone had a great time. No one got seasick and Tim suffered the only injury when he tripped over another passenger while trying to exercise off some of the cruise food. No serious damage however, just a skinned knee and lots of tenderness. It kept him from exercising for the rest of the week though.
Note the photo of the three West boys waiting for the girls to finish shopping at Senor Frog's in Puerto Vallarta. This pose actually matches a similar shot taken several years ago so it has historical meaning. Tim and Andy took the opportunity in PV to go para-sailing. Good thing the boat had an especially powerful motor.
While aboard the Dawn Princess we celebrated Kristen's 27th birthday. We treated her to a special dinner in the dining room and the cruise line gave her a very yummy chocolate cake.

Upon our return to San Diego, Tim connected with an old Navy buddy, Don Spees. Tim had worked for Don during his service in Nha Be, Vietnam. Neither one of them seemed to be quite as thin as they appeared in photographs from forty years ago. It was good to catch up with Don and relive some of the old times. Don and his wife, Barb, just returned from Italy where they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

The following Monday we sprang Samson from his week-long stay in doggie jail (while we were on our cruise), and began our northern trek home. Our intent was to take our time heading back as we did on our way down, but the urge to get home was stronger than the pull of the scenery and we made it home in six days.
It is hard to believe that we have now spent 291 nights in the motorhome. It will be amazing to us to hit the 365 night mark.
Thanks for riding along with us on this journey. We'll try to keep you better informed of any future trips. We do know that we will be returning to the Golden Village Palms in Hemet, CA for next snowbird season. Maybe you should come along with us.