Friday, January 11, 2008

Over the Hill

Wow, we never thought we would be happy to say that we are "over the hill", but we arrived in Redding, CA in early afternoon. The trip over Siskiyou summit was routine and uneventful. We joined numerous RVers leaving the Seven Feathers RV Resort this a.m. and heading south. The picture to the left was our site at Seven Feathers. It is so handy to use the laptop and Wi-Fi to check weather reports, highway conditions, etc. The road conditions were clear and dry, and the sun was out for quite a while to the point where the co-pilot was enjoying its warmth. There was plenty of snow beside the highway, and the mountains were spectacular with their coats of white.
We made it to Redding and are staying at the Premier RV Resort for a couple of days to rest up after two days of hard road miles. We plan to explore the area tomorrow. Although Samson enjoys sleeping in his bed between the two captain's chairs while the coach is in motion, he much prefers getting to explore new places when we stop. Sam loves to ride in the coach, but every big bump disturbs his sleep and he has to get up to see what is going on. Most of the time he likes to rest his head on Diane's lap, in hopes that she will pet him which she usually does.

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