We apologize for being offline for so long. We have been experiencing difficulty in staying connected when we have been able to get on the internet at all from our coach. After several days of troubleshooting with different vendors, we seem to have hit on the best solution for us.
We experienced several days of bad weather as you may have heard. Southern California was being deluged with rain and wind and we had to lay low and wait out the storms.
We finally learned to play Mexican Train dominoes, but don't feel we are quite ready to play at the competitive level that the local folks do. Also we aren't quite ready to part with the 25 cents per game that the rest of the group can apparently afford. They must think we are made of money.
On Saturday we were able to get together with Tim's brother, John, his wife, Bear, and daughter Connie in Moreno Valley for dinner. It was nice to be able to connect again and catch up on family happenings. It is hard to believe that Connie is already a senior in high school and her mom and dad are experiencing all the anxieties associated with college decisions.
Diane's sister, Joyce and her husband, Jim were finally able to catch a break in the weather and made it over the grapevine on Saturday from the Bakersfield area. They were as glad to arrive as we were, and it didn't take them long to make the decision to stay here for awhile.
We have been enjoying little trips around the area, locating some of our favorite places. Temecula is about 20 to 25 miles away, but has the Costco and Winco stores as well as just about any other store you can think of. We are amazed at the number of shopping centers there are in the Temecula/Murrieta Hot Springs area.
Except for the rainy days, we continue to do our two hours of morning pool volleyball. It is such a hoot! We talked Joyce and Jim into participating today and we think they enjoyed it. When we finish up we don't know if our muscles are hurting from the exertion or from laughing so hard.
Tim and Jim played 18 holes of golf Tuesday at Seven Hills Golf Course while Diane and Joyce hit a bucket of balls. The course was a little soggy from the recent rains, but very playable. Tim's best claim for the whole day was that he didn't lose a single ball - a record for him.
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