Thursday, January 31, 2008
Sorry for the interruption!

Thursday, January 24, 2008
What happened to the sun?
We took a day trip to Temecula yesterday in an effort to find a Best Buy to purchase a gadget necessary to boost our wireless signal. Our resident computer expert continues to remain technologically challenged when it comes to wi-fi signals. One minute we have an excellent signal, the next minute we can't be connected. Even the new gadget doesn't seem to have done much to help.
Last night there was a wine tasting followed by a two actor play entitled, "Love Letters". It was a good play and a fun evening. We are still enjoying making new friends.
We are hoping to get out to some of the local golf courses during the next few days. We did find a nice course the other day and hit a bucket of balls, just to see if we could still do it. Actually, this was Diane's second time hitting the golf balls, trying to decide if she can play the game and lie as well as the men do.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Home Sweet Home!

Here is our home sweet home for the next month and a half. We have never been to any other park where people go out of their way to greet you or to invite you to join in activities.
So far, we have tried sand volleyball and pool volleyball twice. We didn't sign up for last night's spaghetti dinner and people said they missed us. We have tickets for tomorrow night's wine tasting and play, "Love Letters", that should be enjoyable.
We are having some trouble with our internet connection so if we haven't responded to an email from you, that may be why. We are now being told that our wireless card is probably obsolete so we need to buy a new one. If it isn't one thing, it's another.
Unfortunately we didn't manage to outrun the rain for very long. The last two days have been showery during the night, but have stayed clear during the day. The temperatures haven't been quite where we would like to see them, but it is clearly better weather here than at home. Since the swimming pools are heated, we do quite fine during pool volleyball until we have to get out. Then it is a little cold.
We need to venture out to one of the numerous golf courses around here so Diane can try out her new golf clubs and see if she enjoys the game. There are many golfers here in the park, but we suspect they are way over our skill level.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Relaxing At Last!

Now, this is the life. We are all set up, have been to the Welcome Reception, heard about all the activities, and met several people. Temperatures have been very cold at night, but most enjoyable during the day. We are enjoying our stay here at Golden Village Palms RV Resort so much that we have signed up to stay until the end of February.
We can say we are now officially old time RVers as we finally attached our map of the United States to our coach, and filled in the states in which we have traveled.

We went on an adventure in our car to the Anza Borrego Desert State Park today. It was a very beautiful area located on the valley floor, surrounded by large mountains. The road down to Borrego Springs was like a corkscrew for quite some time. We were overjoyed that we hadn't decided to take the coach. We passed through several interesting small towns as you can see.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Navels, navels everywhere
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Chocolate and Good Friends

Monday, January 14, 2008
On The Road Again!

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Exploring the Sacramento River

The Sundial Bridge, pictured at left, is really a beautiful span. Regrettably, there is no location where a good picture of the whole thing could be captured.

The trail that parallels the Sacramento River was very scenic and we watched several local fisherman in their driftboats, trying to land a big one.
The weather this afternoon was much improved
and the temperature was in the high 50's. Tomorrow will be a travel day as we head further down the highway.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Over the Hill

Thursday, January 10, 2008
So far, so good!
Thank you all for your comments and emails. We appreciate hearing from each of you and apologize for not being able to respond personally to you. Thanks also for all the news about the tornado and bad weather in the greater Portland area. Apparently we managed to leave town today during a window of time when it wasn't stormy. We did drive through several downpours and heavy winds that thoroughly tested our windshield wiper repairs as well as our steering.
We are safely tucked away for the night at a very nice RV resort in Canyonville, OR. After talking with a few other RVers, everyone seems to be waiting for good weather to head over the Siskiyou Mountains in the next day or two. We also will wait and see, and will check the weather forecasts and highway conditions before making the decision to continue. This wouldn't be a bad place to stay for a day or so, if conditions are bad. We'll keep you posted.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Ready -- Set-- Goooo!!